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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Ranfurly Shield

Kia Ora!

   The year is 1901. The Earl of Ranfurly, then Governor of New Zealand for the British Empire, announces he will present a cup to the New Zealand Rugby Football Union as a prize in the sport of their choosing. The sports group chooses to make it a rugby trophy. When the "cup" arrives, it turns out to be a shield, a shield with a decidedly soccer (football) design as a centrepiece. Not to worry; goal posts were added to the soccer goal making it a rugby image. The shield was first awarded to Auckland in 1902 as they had the best record.
   This is a challenge trophy, not one earned through playoffs. To earn the shield, a team must defeat the current holder of the shield. That holder in 2009 was the Canterbury team from the mid-east coast of South Island. The holder of the shield is required to accept a minimum of seven challenges each year. All home games are considered challenges, essentially requiring the trophy holder to remain almost undefeated.

   Fast forward to 22 October 2009: The Southland Stags of Invercargill defeat Canterbury and capture the trophy for the first time in 50 years. Since we weren't yet on the scene, we can only imagine Southland province's response! A front page photo showed the sweaty, grizzled Captain of the Stags, Jamie Mackintosh kissing the shield, "the province's most sought after possession". When the team's flight arrived from Christchurch, the newspaper reported that Jamie was last off the plane. "Chuffed" (chest puffed; proud) he held up the trophy as he appeared at the jet's exit to the delight of the waiting throng. The Southland Times immediately announced the limited publication of a commemorative booklet. Orders were taken and no extras were printed. A recent sales circular announced that anyone who bought a case (12 bottles) of wine at $19.99 a bottle would get a free bottle autographed by Captain Jamie Mackintosh . The shield is now on view for only a week or so at the Invercargill Museum . But we had an early private preview.
   As captain of the Stags, Jamie had possession of the shield until after Christmas. The shield turned up in Christmas wrapping under the family tree, a temporary gift to his extended family. Dubbed " Jamie 's girlfriend" by the family, it was a centrepiece of the post-Christmas dinner social. Individually and in groups, everyone had their photos taken with Jamie and the shield, including the Kiwi Traveler and Consort.

   The media is still crowing about this triumph; a photo of the Mackintosh extended family with the shield turned up in the Southland Times December 26 ("Shield enjoys Christmas with Mackintosh and his mates").

   So how important is this trophy, I wondered. Jamie said, "It's like winning the Stanley Cup!" Pretty important then, I concluded. I felt chuffed too.

Kiwi Traveler

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